Hand Wrinkles Treatment

Our Procedure

Lypo Gold Courses Are Now Offered With Elite Aesthetic Institute

Are You Noticing You Have Hand Wrinkles ?
Try Lypo Gold Hand Wrinkles Treatment

Your hands say a lot about you. Your hygiene, health, habits, and style are all reflected in the appearance of your hands. But what about your age? Youthfulness radiates not only from your face but also from your hands; hand wrinkles can reverse the efforts you’ve put into your beauty regime. If your hands are ageing too fast, keep reading; Lypo-Gold is the solution for you hand wrinkles treatment

What Your Hand Wrinkles Really Mean

If you’ve ever had your palms read, you know that a few hand lines can carry significant meaning. Wrinkles indicate that the aging process has beset your hands and that your skin has begun to deteriorate. The reason for this is because healthy skin comprises a few key ingredients: a structural protein called collagen, a pliable protein called elastin, and vital tissue material called hyaluronic acid. As you age, your body’s production of each of these vital ingredients slows, and your skin forms wrinkles in their place. There are few preventive measures you can take against wrinkles: nutrition, sun exposure, and lifestyle habits all contribute to the rate at which your skin wrinkles – but hand wrinkles treatment it will.

Put Your Fat To Work

Although the aging process is inevitable, you can reverse it. Modern plastic surgery techniques are not as intimidating or expensive as you may surmise. The latest technique for combating wrinkles is called Lypo Gold. Just because your body has slowed the production of important proteins and lipids in your skin doesn’t mean you can’t replenish them. Simply put, Lypo Gold works by first harvesting fat elsewhere in your body and then injecting that valuable lipid into your wrinkled skin. This autologous fat, being familiar to your body, safely rejuvenates the depleted area without the risk of rejection. The fatty tissue in your body is good as gold, so long as it’s where you want it.

Lypo Treatment Is Good As Gold

Your hands are not the only areas that wrinkle – and therefore not the only possible sites for this Lypo Gold transplant technique. The wrinkles in your temple and jawline and those annoying horizontal lines up the length of your neck can all be erased through Lypo Gold. Brow lifts and cheek lifts are also possible through Lypo Gold; you can even use it to fill your tear trough and smooth your smoker’s line. The results are immediate. Following Lypo Gold hand wrinkles treatment, most clients enjoy healthy, youthful skin for up to three years. You may find that your results improve after each injection, as the cells in your skin experience repeat replenishment. You’ll be rolling back the years – and loving every minute of it.

Contact Us

If Lypo Gold sounds like the right procedure for you, contact us to learn more. If you are an esthetician wanting to start Lypo Gold injections, we offer a course for you. Whether it be for you or a client, hand wrinkles can be a thing of the past!

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Lypo Gold Courses Are Now Offered With Elite Aesthetic Institute

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