With so many technology advances happening in the world today, it’s no surprise that the world of cosmetic and reparative surgery is undergoing major upgrades. Lots of procedures over the years are becoming less invasive, giving your clients the ability to return to work and the regular day-to-day faster and easier. Regenerative medicine is taking leaps and bounds recently, as stem cells are gaining traction in the medical world exponentially. Elite Aesthetics Institute teaches a revolutionary technique in regenerative medicine, involving stem cells called the Lypo-Gold Method. 


Taking Medicine To The Next Level

Regenerative therapy has come a long way since the term and research began in 1999. Back then it was an emerging field, blending tissue engineering, cell transplantation, stem cell biology, biomechanics prosthetics, nanotechnology and biochemistry. The two that have been standing out the most are stem cell biology and tissue engineering, as they both have been shown to produce great results in replacing and regenerating human tissues and organs, restoring their normal functions. 


Regeneration isn’t a new concept by any means, just the medical applications scientists and researchers have been able to discover with it. Humans have the ability to regenerate cells and tissue till about eleven years of age, then the regenerative properties start to decline. A salamander can “grow” an arm back within a couple of days. After many years of research and studies, stem cell technology and tissue engineering are proving to be the biggest and brightest of the regenerative therapies available. These two approaches are valuable and highly state-of-the-art steps into treatment options for acute injuries, chronic diseases, and congenital malformations.


What Regenerative Medicine Can Do

Although having been studied for over twenty years, there’s always more to learn from stem cell therapies and their healing capabilities. Despite this, a revolutionary procedure called the Lypo-Gold Method, is gaining traction as the latest in aesthetics. The method involves extracting a small amount of fat cells from a client’s body. These fat cells are processed through a Mini TC device, shedding the fat cells and leaving behind nutrient rich adipose-derived stem cells. The new mixture of stem cells are injected into specific locations of your client’s body, and the stem cells work their magic in restoring and repairing the client’s imperfections. 


Typically used for facial lifts, anti-aging, and decreasing the amount of wrinkles and fine lines, this procedure can also assist with brow lifts, alopecia, excess neck skin, cheek lift, and firming up the skin on the hands. With this procedure, your clients will receive an improvement of skin texture, improved collagen, and their skin will appear healthier, smoother and fresher in addition to helping to take care of their fine lines and wrinkles. Lypo-Gold is a minimally invasive procedure, and your clients will start seeing results in as little as two weeks, and the skin will only continue to firm up and smooth out.       


The Future’s Looking Brighter

As a society we are only going to continue to grow and come up with more innovative and life-changing accomplishments. Stem cell therapies are only going to gain more traction and awareness as time goes by. Regenerative therapy is going to be a major stepping stone in our medical progress as the sky’s the limit as to what these stem cells are able to achieve with their repairing and replacing potentiality. We teach the latest technique in medicine at Elite Aesthetics Institute; Lypo-Gold, the best procedure in anti-aging to date. 


Contact Us

If you’re interested in learning more about Lypo-Gold and regenerative medicine, Elite Aesthetics Institute is your go-to. We offer training and classes on a myriad array of cosmetic and plastic surgeries. Call or connect with us today! 

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